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Сообщение Realmensl » 21 май 2013, 11:05

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When leptin is low, your stomach will growl and you'll get that familiar hungry feeling. Eat a nice meal, and leptin levels rise, turning off the ハミルトン 腕時計 growling and contributing to making you feel full. It's the rise of insulin and/or glucose in the blood that drives up マークジェイコブス腕時計 leptin levels previously suppressed by lowcarb dieting. On your cheat day every week, it's critical that a lowcarb dieter's extra calories come primarily from carbs. A standard lowcarb diet allows for roughly 0.5 gram of carbs per pound of bodyweight or less. On your cheat day, increase that all the way to 2 grams of carbs per pound. Fat slows carb digestion, and ポールスミス 時計 since insulin is key to raising leptin levels, you want as big an insulin boost as possible. Besides, since you're taking in so many carbs, any fat you consume likely won't be used for energy, and instead will be stored as guessed it Don't forget whole grains on cheat days. Just because it's a higher carb day doesn't mean アルマーニ 時計 you can neglect the health benefits of eating things like oatmeal, wholewheat bread and brown rice. Their increased fiber content will help control hunger pangs and aide in fat loss. Don't overdo it with fruit. Fruit ロレックス 時計 contains sugar, yes, but it's in the form of fructose, which can't be used directly by muscles. That 腕時計 メンズ means that when your body digests fruit, it sends fructose straight to your liver, which converts it to liver glycogen. But once the liver's glycogen levels are full, it no longer converts fructose to glycogen; it converts it to fat. On a highcarb day, you run the risk of overloading your liver with glycogen, so keep fruit intake to 3 servings, and eat it earlier in the day. CHEAT ON A LOWFAT DIETBoost fat and calorie intake on cheat days, but keep carb levels the same. Your normal ブルガリ 時計 diet provides you with enough carbs (it's fat you're restricting in this case, not carbs). To boost your metabolism,コーチ 時計 you need to replace what you're depriving yourself of: fat and calories. After all, it is a cheat day.Eat some healthy fats. If you're eating lowfat, you're also eating lowhealthyfat. Try to get at least some calories from healthy fats (salmon, avocado, walnuts) on a daily basis, and especially on cheat days. There's a reason they call them healthy fats. Dabble in some unhealthy fats, too. Though healthy fats obviously reign supreme, also allow yourself to indulge in fattier meats like burgers, bacon or ribs (but watch the barbecue sauce) and other sources of saturated fat, like macaroni 腕時計 メンズ and cheese or a chocolate bar. In addition to making you feel more satisfied after a meal, saturated fat helps boost levels of testosterone, which will help you build muscle and boost metabolism. HERS ... _your_debt. ... _this_area. ... f_the_loan.

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