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Сообщение willfaina » 17 май 2013, 17:11

But it seems your Argonian friend is up to a bit more than that.He's organized some sort of rebellion among the skraws.That's going to stop.I'm asking you to kill him.And even if I were to really bend my mind to it and catch him, killing him would only make him a martyr.
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Сообщение willfaina » 17 май 2013, 17:12

In the sunlight she'd looked old, worn, with black bags beneath her eyes and hair like lank kelp, but here in the phosphorescence from the cave walls she appeared younger, more like the ten or fifteen years she probably actually was.On Umbriel, people were born as adults, and those born to be skraws, to tend and harvest the sump, had nothing that resembled a childhood.He heard others approaching and looked over his shoulder to see his friend Wert and a young skraw named Oluth.Wert knelt and studied the woman's face for a long moment, his own visage more long and doleful than usual.He was young, probably no more than three years old; his skin had only the barest hint of the jaundice that plagued the older skraws.
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He'll show you about the lower sump.You'll be working down there with him.Glim waited for Oluth to go take the vapors and felt guilty.The caustic fumes allowed the skraws to breathe underwater, but they also killed them young, as they had just killed Joacin.Of all the skraws, he was the only one who hadn't been born on Umbriel, the only Argonian — the only one who didn't need the vapors to breathe beneath the surface.
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When the youngster joined him in the shallows, Glim took him down below the midway of the cone-shaped body of water and showed him the cocooned figures fastened to the wall.Inside each was something that had started as a worm smaller than his least claw, but were now in various stages of becoming inhabitants of Umbriel.He brushed against one near term, a lanky female who — in appearance — would be human.Next to her grew a brick-red creature with horns, and farther along a man with the dusky skin of a Dunmer.All began as worms, however, and beneath appearances they were all Umbrielians.
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